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LED Strip Lights Show Off Jewelry Display Sparkle

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LED lights provide clean, clear light that is exactly what you need for display cases, especially for jewellery. No matter the colour temperature, the lights showcase the cut, colour and sparkle of gems and the glimmer of precious metals like gold. Jewellery shops can get LED strip lights from distributors for a good price.

Provide Consistent, Long-Lasting Light For Better Security

LED light strips last a very long time, and this is great from a practical standpoint when you want to keep everything in the display cases safe. When you don't have to replace bulbs very often, you can keep that display case closed. It's obviously open when you retrieve or replace an item, but it's not open for a very long time. When you have the case open to replace a bulb, you have to protect the jewellery to ensure no one walks off with something when you're concentrating on replacing the light. The less you have to deal with this, the better.

Choose Specific Bulb Temperatures For Each Display

Test out different bulb temperatures for different types of jewellery. For example, for pieces with gems, you may want a very bright, daylight-like light, but for vintage enamel pieces, you may prefer a warmer, softer light to avoid harsh reflections off the surface of the enamel. Check the display from up close and far away, and from different angles. Use the light temperatures that you think look best.

Position Lights Facing Down And Away From Customers

Be careful about where you position the lights. The strips should be pointing away from customers and toward the jewellery. This both prevents the bright lights from overwhelming the view and aims the full light at the jewellery. The light strips should also be angled down so that the sales clerks on the other side of the display case don't have to stare into bright lights, either. One of the advantages of strip lights is that they're available in different lengths, as well as in rolls that you can cut to the size you need. If you have a set of jewellery pieces that you want to spotlight, you can add smaller strips to the section of the display case, but again, shield them from the view of customers and staff.

LED strip lights are perfect if you run a store where you keep merchandise in display cases. The bright, clean light shows off the best of the products, and if you have jewellery cases, the gems will sparkle madly.
